Rose of Jericho has been used traditionally in many different spiritual practices and rituals. It serves multiple purposes. But most commonly used for wealth and abundance. This tumble weed is found in places like Northern Africa, Southwest Asia, and Mexico. When placed in water the flower will open up and turn more of a green color. Most only sit the plant in water for no more then seven days. It will rot after exposure too longer in water.
Place the Rose of Jericho into a clear glass bowl of water, and inside of it place 5 coins. Or whatever number you typically use for prosperity. Next to it, light a green or gold candle to pull in wealth and abundance. Place on your alter or any sacred place. Many people use the water to bath in or use as a wash or spray for future rituals.
The Rose of Jericho is also associated with the African Orisha Shango. The plant is placed on his alter. And is used to bring the happiness of Shango.