Oya is a Yoruba African Orisha. She is a passionate, fierce warrior and the bringer of change. She is a determined, disciplined and powerful woman. She controls the wind and lightning. She is also a shrewd business woman, and is found in the market place. As Queen of the cemetery, she maintains and keeps it holy. Oya has strong connections with the ancestors. And should be present for ancestor workings. She is a witch and is comfortable with all occult subjects. Oya is a strict but compassionate mother.
Traditional Colors: Purple, reds, oranges and black
Offerings: Eggplant, red wine, tobacco, plums and purple grapes, legumes
Feast Day: February 2nd
Number: 9 ( Called the “mother of nine”)
Areas of Influence: Storms, wind, lightning, tornadoes, death and the cemetery, the marketplace and business, change, witchcraft
Gemstones: Amethyst, garnets, black opals